Mobile App
Claims and Incident Mobile Reporting
At Navigator Risk Management, we work hard for clients to uncover areas where they can minimize loss and make positive changes for a safe and productive work environment. However, we understand no matter what precautions an organization takes and improvements it makes, accidents still happen. During this stressful time, our goal is to ease the situation and remove some of the burdens of reporting incidents and claims. While your first priority should always be the safety and care of your employees, customers, and the general public, accurately collecting details and information about the situation are critical to a positive resolution.

Report an Incident
Timely reporting of any incident is crucial. We encourage you to report as much about the event as possible right away and follow up with any supporting facts as they are available, such as witness reports, photos, video, supervisor reports, and more. Here on our site, you can enter the information for any of the following types of incidents:
- Employee Injury
- Auto Accident
- Property Damage
- Liability Claims